
Why The Age of Aisha (ra) Is Irrelevant

‘Aisha had already… been promised to Mutim’s son, and her father had to negotiate with Mutim in order to break the engagement. ‘Aisha then officially became Muhammad’s second wife, though the union would not be consummated for several years.

This allows us to make one, or possibly two, conclusions. The first is that when ‘Aisha married the Prophet ﷺ, she was mature enough to marry in general. The second is that the age at which ‘Aisha married the Prophet ﷺ was considered culturally appropriate. If the Prophet ﷺ had not married ‘Aisha, she would have been married to someone else within a similar time frame.
There are two other ways in which we come to understand that ‘Aisha’s age at marriage was not unusual—if not universally, at least at that time in that culture. And this comes by way of two women: Khawla and Zaynab.


Ever felt uncomfortable when thinking about the age at which Aisha (ra) married the Prophet ﷺ?

Read the paper, “The Woman Behind the Number: The Irrelevance of the Age of ‘Aisha (ra),” to explore more:

This marriage was divinely ordained hence no need arised to question it

its not irrelevant to the young girls who are being married off against their will today at young ages. Their lives are affected now and it has severe consequences for them. people still do this now.

What Faszinate me most is that prophet muhammad saw was crutisied by the kuffar in so many ways….but nobody ever critisized him for his marriage .
It was such a norm at that time

Peace and blessing be upon all of them

Furthermore, she was engaged to another man (Jubeir Iben Muta’am Iben A’ady) before her engagement to the prophet SAW.

I read the article and it’s excellent. I highly recommend it . JazakAllah khair to the author.

The most mins blowing thing about her age is that it was reported by a man who was known for forgetting and mixing hadiths. He was the one who shared the news of their marriage and due to old age, his memory was declining, thus the mixing in his remembrance. I read a phd students research on this exact topic but sadly like always I can’t remember the man’s name as it was obviously in Arabic. Anyways, that’s where the news of her age started. So all in all, we don’t exactly know she was the age we were told. And ultimately, this marriage was initiated by Allah and Allah loves all of us 70x our mothers, and he must love the prophets bride even more I guess so we should place our trust in the creator. He’s the most merciful, intelligent, and giving.

Spend your given time wisely
“But the life of this world, compared to the Hereafter, is nothing but a fleeting enjoyment”. (Quran 13:26)

Kids have sex as teenagers in this day and age, the difference is there is not a marriage

Jazakallah khair for this. It’s so important and helped me understand so much

It’s not like Christianity or Secularism has fixed a higher age of marriage. The current norm can totally go up or down because it’s not based on a divine revelation. The default age of marriage without a revelation is either puberty or zero,

yes if something changes over time its not from god, thanku

There is a Belgian revert who made a study and discovered by studying the Hadiths and some historical details that Aisha RA married the prophet Muhammad saws at the age of 19 ,

I think it is simple anyone who try to criticize any prophet of God PBUH from Adam to Muhammad. Lets them shut their mouths.. They are chosen people by the Creator..

What about burying daughters? How long until the practice was condemned?

Youssef Al-Najjar married Maryam when he was 12 years old, and this is normal for me. The conditions for marriage are maturity and psychological and physical readiness in Islam.

My mum got my sister at the age of 13. It is believed that the human biology is not the same in the 20th centurycompared to the time of our prophet pbuh it differs.

According to famous scholars like Ibn Katheer and Imam at-tabari who are Islamic historians the age of Aisha r.a was between 18-19 years old at the time of marriage. Furthermore Aisha r.a was engaged to someone else before she was engaged to the Prophet alaihissalam

The issue isn’t that it was accepted 1300 years ago, the issue is that Muhammad’s example of living is for ALL TIMES and PLACES. Therefore a similar marriage would be ordained in 2024. If Im wrong please correct me.

In hot areas, women mature early. I am from Libya and my mother’s mother got married when she was 11 years old

Also doing zina by having a girlfriend has become the norm! They get children out of wedlock yet criticise a halal marriage

Wal fatwa wal hikma min Allah swt…

Aishah r a was 14 or 15 years old when she married. neither 6 nor 9 years old

It was confirmed that she was 19 and not 9 actually…

The easiest response is: Was Aisha (ra) considered a woman by muslims & non-muslims when the marriage was consumated? If yes, then there is no issue. If no, prove it. End of story.

6 replies

7 months ago
People should but out talking about some one family. Because she never complained to any body or any one?

7 months ago
Beautifully explained

7 months ago
With years

1 month ago
No Christians were always against islam “The Messenger of Allah [ﷺ] married me when I was six year’s old, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine, and I used to play with dolls.” – Aisha [RA], in Sunan an-Nasa’i 3378; Vol. 4, Book 26, Hadith 3380. It is so sad her descriptions of the trauma she went through. I don’t want to be a pedophile apologist like my muslim friends. Jesus is God Isaiah 9.6 May the Lord bless you and guide you all

7 months ago
Sallalaahu alayhi wasallam

7 months ago
No matter in which age Aisha (ra) got married to our Beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, since Allah subhanahu wa taala let that happen; Alhamdulillah it is fine and it was done absolutely how it should have done.

3 months ago
Marriage to Aisha R.A and 9 others mothers in Islam were necessary because all men busy in compaigne. Aisha R.A spread the Islam , we have today.

1 month ago
She was 18 or 19 anyway.

2 replies

7 months ago
It’s not even something that Prophet Muhammad promote to muslim to do for all era. It happen in the past just like any other things that happen in the past.

7 months ago
But they are fighting for a man to take a man in marriage & woman for woman & they don’t have a problem with that do they ???

7 months ago
We don’t judge marriage by the system of kafirs and liberals.
Marriage should depend on the Acceptance and development of body. Not an age decided by the people in power.

It’s decided by Allah.
Islamic marriage has 2 parts,
1. Acceptance contract between the male and female
2. Intimacy between the male who reached Maledhood and the femlae who reached Womanhood.

We couldn’t care more than less if Islamophobes/liberals cry why a 13 year old male can get married to a 25 year old female.

I don’t know man, no other religious leaders marry a 6 yaer old… buddha gautama was 600 BC, so far more ancient than M. I don’t think ‘it’s ancient times bro, let it go’ flies.

Only you can free your own mind. Islam is not alone in fearing hell. Most religions nowadays have hell in some form or the other… At the end of the day that’s what you fear. You can get over it. Many have. Read read read.

If you fear religious persecution, you can apply for refugee visa. Heck, it’d be a better life. One fire starts another.

Now it’s easier than ever to free yourself. If not now, when?

This is the most educated comment on this topic

I disagree. That’s why we update lenses over time.